
Gislaveds Energi
All data can be accessed immediately via the mobile system, which allows total freedom for users and administrators. The result is a traceable register of cargo, who delivered, when delivered, from whom and the cargo's energy content to name a few.

Trafikverket & Polisen
In May 2020, the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) opens its new check point and rest area in Häggenås, just north of Östersund. With the help of Motus Systems it will be possible to multiply the number of checks of axle and total weights compared to the traditional facilities.

Avfallshantering Östra Skaraborg
This solves two problems for us, to be able to offer small businesses good service by receiving their waste at our recycling facilities, and at the same time make sure that they pay for themselves, says Lars Persson, union manager at AÖS, Avfallshantering Östra Skaraborg.